Where and how to collect data for your direct marketing plan?

Data is one of the big competitive advantages for all companies. Its generic term also corresponds to a business, a tourist site, or a cultural place. Indeed, collecting information for your database will allow you to get to better know all your customers, it is a key factor in your direct marketing strategy.

How to collect data for your direct marketing plan?

Customer data is information related to a person that can help a company get to know them better. You can recognize two main types of data. However, the collection will have to serve a specific purpose, related to the company's strategy. The best practice is to work on the medium and short terms. First, it is appropriate to have a certain amount of baseline data. Then, it is necessary to refine the collection in order to personalize a better relationship with each socio-demographic data. The most difficult aspect is not to collect a few pieces of information, but to determine which ones are the most valuable.

Other methods of collecting data

On the other hand, there is a loyalty program with a marketing device that will identify and reward customers who buy regularly or stay loyal to the brand. By enabling your customers to enroll in a loyalty program, you can collect their information and get to know them perfectly so that you can offer them some benefits that are well adapted to their expectations. Your website is a great place to gather information about your customers. You have to propose free content with more added value which will be the guarantee confidence. Indeed, it is crucial to relay the commercial aspect in order to establish a better relationship. The only counterpart for downloadable content is presenting contact information, which is a way for you to recontact visitors and get to know them.

Where to collect these data?

Questionnaires are a widely used method of collecting direct marketing data. It will allow you to have information about your customers, you can just submit a survey with several types of questions and that's it. You can also use the smileys terminals. Airport, point of sale, train station, you may have already seen this kind of device in your daily life. The smileys are used from time to time to know the satisfaction of the visitors at some points of their journey. You can also choose the digital guestbook. It is a fun tool. This technique allows you to obtain qualitative and abundant feedback, especially on the profile and satisfaction of your visitors or customers.

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